Proper Lifting Techniques for Spring Cleaning

Proper Lifting Techniques for Spring Cleaning

spring cleaning

The weather is warming up making it the perfect time for spring cleaning! You’re ready to clear out the garage or maybe pack up some old clothes for the Good Will, but before you do, make sure you are not putting yourself at risk when lifting heavy material. Heavy lifting, when done incorrectly, can cause severe strain on the spine and muscles. Back pain is a common symptom treated at Marketplace Physical therapy Redlands and can be prevented by using just a few lifting techniques.

  1. Support: Feet must be shoulder width apart, with one foot slightly more forward. Feel comfortable and stable before you squat.
  2. Squat: Try to keep your back straight and only bend your hips and knees to reach the heavy load. Remember to keep your shoulders back to avoid bending your back.
  3. Lift Slowly: Now straighten your hips and knees. DO NOT TWIST YOUR BACK, this can lead to strained muscles and loss of support.
  4. Hold Tight: Keep the load close to your body and make sure it won’t slip or fall.
  5. Align: Keep your shoulders and hips in line while you transport your load.
  6. Set Down: Bend your knees and hips to place your load. Do not bend your back.

By using  these lifting techniques during your spring cleaning, you can avoid an unnecessary trip to the emergency room.

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